Nepal is rich in Natural beauty .So we people should conserve its beauty and the points are as follows:
1.Information on Biodiversity:
The people of each region should understand the value of the natural beauty. They should be aware of the need of the conservation of the biodiversity. Their role should be defined in the conservation programme.
2.People's Participation:
The local Non-government organisation, VDC, Municipality Community Based Organisation and also community people should conduct biodiversity conservation programmes. The people should engouraged to conserve the Natural beauty of the country.
3.Conservation law:
Conservation law assist in the conservation of the biodiversity. The community people should be aware of the conservation law. It should encourage local agencies to conduct the programmes.
4.Income Generation:
Income generation activities should be conducted at community and other national levels using the raw materials of Natural resources. The local people should be trained in the proper use of the natural resources. So the conservation programme should go together with the income generation.
5.Develop positive attitude:
The people should create the positive attitude towards the natural resources and its beauty. They should not exploit the natural resources to fulfill their present needs. They should feel that it should be conserve for the future refrence.
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