Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nepalese Customs and Traditions

As Nepal is rich in Natural Beauty but it is also rich in Nepalese customs and traditions. Nepal is a small country among other country in the world but it has influnced their great customs and traditions. None country have their own national customs and traditions which can reflect their country but Nepal still have their customs, traditons, and culture alive. Nepalese customs, traditions and whole lifestyle is highly influnced by their religious beliefs. And also social values and norms are guided by the religion.
So such beauty towards cultured, customs, and traditions are found here. Since Nepal is a multi religious country with a follow of variety of culture. Nepal from top to buttom is linked with their national customs and tradition. So please visit Nepal it is really a beautiful place.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Art and Architecture of Nepal

As we already know that Nepal is rich in natural resources, but it is also rich in art and architecture .Actually art of Nepal includes paintings, architecture, and sculpture.A brief description of them are as follows:
Paintings means the art of using paint to produce picture and other things to express.Mostly the paintings of our country is influenced by our great religion. Paintings was started in Nepal during ancient period. Nepalese paintings are classified in three groups such as book paintings, wall paintings, and scroll paintings. so this are the artificial or manmade beauties of Nepal. Our country is also rich in man-made beauties
Architecture means the art of planning, designing and constructing the buildings and so on. There are four types of architecture and they are pagoda style, shikhar style, stupa style, and mu gal style.And there are many temples releated to it such as Pashupatinath temple, Boudha, Janaki temple are the famous temple of our country Nepal.